When you are a small business owner or even a person who works for themselves, you might be wondering when you should file and pay your taxes. It can be a bit confusing for people who feel like they are on their own with a lot of work to do. Well, the national deadline to file your taxes in the US is April 15th. If that day falls on the weekend, then you might want to check online because the deadline might be on the following Monday or even the preceding Friday. Other than that, the deadline is pretty steadfast. Your taxes must be postmarked by that time. They have made it even easier to file your taxes by this time because now you can often file your taxes online. If you do so, definitely make sure to print out a copy for your personal records and keep it for at least 7 years.
The only other dates that you should think about are quarterly payments that can be made by people who are freelancers. This is a way for them to get on top of the tax game throughout the year, to make paying a bit easier. Through this method you will not have one big tax payment, you will have a few smaller tax payments throughout the year to mitigate the impact of one big expense. For freelancers it is often recommended to save 20-30% of your earnings to pay for your taxes when the time comes to pay up for the same reason.
If you happen to miss the deadline of April 15th to pay your taxes then you may want to get with a lawyer who can help you get your books in order to file as soon as you can. It might seem scary when you fall behind but with a tax attorney like Kenneth Hutto on your side you can feel confident.